Wiki > ruTorrent
ruTorrent is a front-end for the popular Bittorrent client rTorrent. Full documentation for ruTorrent is located in the ruTorrent GitHub wiki.
Customizing the code & adding new plugins
Follow these steps if you wish to be able to modify the source code of ruTorrent, or add new plugins:
Connect to your slot with SSH
Run the listed commands:
rsync -a /usr/share/webapps/rutorrent/*/htdocs/ ~/.config/rutorrent/webui/ cp -f /var/www/localhost/htdocs/rutorrent/conf/config.php ~/.config/rutorrent/webui/conf/config.php
Optionally, you can copy the non-standard plugins we provide which includes plugins like autodl-irssi
and geoip2
Optionally, you can change the default theme.
Edit rTorrent's configuration file:
nano -w ~/.config/rtorrent/rtorrent.rc
Replace this line:
execute = {sh,-c,/usr/bin/php /var/www/localhost/htdocs/rutorrent/php/initplugins.php &}
execute = {sh,-c,/usr/bin/php ~/.config/rutorrent/webui/php/initplugins.php &}
to save the file, then pressCtrl+X
to exit nano -
Restart rTorrent on your Manage page
You can now add your own plug-ins by placing their data in ~/.config/rutorrent/webui/plugins
and refreshing ruTorrent. You will also have access to all other ruTorrent data and can do with it as you like.
Copy some of the non-standard plugins that we provide by default
The above instructions will give you the most basic of ruTorrent installations. If you would like to also copy over some non-standard ruTorrent plug-ins that we do provide by default, run the following as a single command:
for plugin in autodl-irssi darkbetter filemanager geoip2 magnetic pausewebui whatbox-cpuload whatbox-data whatbox-diskspace whatbox-helpers; do rsync -a /usr/share/webapps/rutorrent-$plugin/*/htdocs/ /home/user/.config/rutorrent/webui/plugins/$plugin/ ; done
If you wish to not copy one of these plug-ins, remove it from the start of the command.
The base ruTorrent installation comes with the default diskspace and cpuload plug-ins, but these will be broken and inaccurate respectively on our servers. If you prefer to use our fixed versions of these plug-ins, make sure that whatbox-diskspace and whatbox-cpuload are copied in the above command, and then delete the default plug-ins from ruTorrent's plug-in directory
rm -r ~/.config/rutorrent/webui/plugins/cpuload ~/.config/rutorrent/webui/plugins/diskspace
Change the default theme
First, follow the above instrunctions to customize your ruTorrent install.
Run the following to see what themes you have available:
ls ~/.config/rutorrent/webui/plugins/theme/themes/
Edit the theme config file, setting the $defaultTheme
to your desired theme:
nano ~/.config/rutorrent/webui/plugins/theme/conf.php
$defaultTheme = "Oblivion";
(Press Ctrl+S
to save the file, then press Ctrl+X
to exit nano)
Reverting to the default ruTorrent installation
If you would rather use the default installation again, delete or rename your custom webui directory:
rm -r ~/.config/rutorrent/webui
to delete, ormv ~/.config/rutorrent/webui ~/.config/rutorrent/webui.old
to rename. -
nano -w ~/.config/rtorrent/rtorrent.rc
and replace this line:Replace this line:
execute = {sh,-c,/usr/bin/php ~/.config/rutorrent/webui/php/initplugins.php &}
execute = {sh,-c,/usr/bin/php /var/www/localhost/htdocs/rutorrent/php/initplugins.php &}
to save the file, then pressCtrl+X
to exit nano -
Restart rTorrent on your Manage page