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Wiki > Plex WebTools

Plex WebTools is a plugin for Plex that allows installation of extra modules including subtitle management.

WebTools runs on its own ports; 18576 and 17153 have been automatically generated for you, but you may use other 5 digit port between 10000 and 32767. This guide will set it up to use HTTPS, however the HTTP port still needs to be unique.


  1. SSH to your slot

  2. Download the latest release of WebTools: wget https://github.com/ukdtom/WebTools.bundle/releases/download/3.0.0/WebTools.bundle.zip

  3. Extract WebTools to the correct directory: unzip WebTools.bundle.zip -d ~/"Library/Application Support/Plex Media Server/Plug-ins"

  4. Edit the first configuration file: nano ~/"Library/Application Support/Plex Media Server/Plug-ins/WebTools.bundle/Contents/DefaultPrefs.json"

    Underneath "id": "WEB_Port_http", change "default": "33400" to "default": "18576".

    Underneath "id": "WEB_Port_https", change "default": "33443" to "default": "17153".

    Underneath "id": "Force_SSL", change "default": "false" to "default": "true".

    Save the configuration file by pressing 'Ctrl+X', then 'Y' to proceed, and finally 'Return/Enter' to confirm writing over the unmodified file.

  5. Edit the second configuration file: nano ~/"Library/Application Support/Plex Media Server/Plug-in Support/Preferences/com.plexapp.plugins.WebTools.xml"

    Change <Force_SSL>false</Force_SSL> to <Force_SSL>true</Force_SSL>.

    Add 18576 between <WEB_Port_http> </WEB_Port_http>.

    Add 17153 between <WEB_Port_https> </WEB_Port_https>.

    Save the second configuration file by pressing 'Ctrl+X', then 'Y' to proceed, and finally 'Return/Enter' to confirm writing over the unmodified file.

  6. Restart Plex by selecting Restart on your Manage page.

Access WebTools at https://server.whatbox.ca:17153 and log in with your Plex account.