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Login for certain variables to be updated with your slot's information

Wiki > whisparr

At this time, Whatbox servers have limited support for containers. It may stop working at any time.

A random port number between 10000 and 32767 is needed and will be used to access Whisparr. The port number 13496 has automatically been generated and will be used throughout this article, but can be changed if needed.

Connect to your slot using SSH

  1. Create ~/whisparr/whisparr.yml

     mkdir -p ~/whisparr && touch ~/whisparr/whisparr.yml
  2. Open the file with ~/whisparr/whisparr.yml and add the text in this text box to the file

         container_name: whisparr
         image: ghcr.io/hotio/whisparr
         network_mode: host
           - PUID=0
           - PGID=0
           - UMASK=002
           - TZ=UTC
           - /home/user/whisparr:/config
           - /home/user:/home/user
         pull_policy: always
         restart: unless-stopped

    Save the file by pressing Ctrl+S then exit nano with Ctrl+X

  3. Run the Whisparr container briefly

     podman-compose -f ~/whisparr/whisparr.yml up

    Wait until you see "Press Ctrl+C to shut down"

    Press Ctrl+C

  4. Edit the port used by Whisparr

     sed -i 's/6969/13496/' ~/whisparr/config.xml
  5. Start Whisparr

     podman-compose -f ~/whisparr/whisparr.yml up -d

After returning to your shell prompt, Whisparr will be accessible at http://server.whatbox.ca:13496 (it may take several seconds to start responding) You must add authentication immediately when prompted - select "Forms" and fill in a username and password.

To update Whisparr, run this command to restart into the latest version: podman-compose -f ~/whisparr/whisparr.yml down && podman-compose -f ~/whisparr/whisparr.yml up -d