Wiki > Lidarr
Lidarr is a music collection manager for Usenet and BitTorrent users. It can monitor multiple RSS feeds for new tracks from your favorite artists and will grab, sort and rename them. It can also be configured to automatically upgrade the quality of files already downloaded when a better quality format becomes available.
Connect to your slot through SSH.
Download Lidarr
Extract the archive
tar -xzf Lidarr*.tar.gz
Make a Lidarr configuration directory
mkdir ~/.config/Lidarr
Make a Lidarr configuration file
touch ~/.config/Lidarr/config.xml
Open the configuration file in nano
nano ~/.config/Lidarr/config.xml
Copy the contents of the box below into the ~/.config/Lidarr/config.xml file, replacing any other configuration in the file
<Config> <Port>12107</Port> <UrlBase></UrlBase> <BindAddress>*</BindAddress> <SslPort>16053</SslPort> <EnableSsl>False</EnableSsl> <ApiKey></ApiKey> <AuthenticationMethod>None</AuthenticationMethod> <LogLevel>Info</LogLevel> <Branch>master</Branch> <LaunchBrowser>False</LaunchBrowser> <UpdateAutomatically>False</UpdateAutomatically> </Config>
Save changes by pressing
and thenenter
Start Lidarr in a screen session running in the background
screen -dmS lidarr ~/Lidarr/Lidarr
IMPORTANT: Access Lidarr's web interface at and enable authentication in the settings under Settings > General > Security
Clean up your slot (optional)
rm Lidarr*.tar.gz
Add your Lidarr port on your Domain Page.
Jackett (optional)
Jackett works as a proxy between applications like Lidarr/Sonarr/Radarr and BitTorrent trackers.
See the Jackett installation guide here.
To follow these instructions, you must first connect to your slot through SSH.
Stop existing Lidarr processes
pkill -f Lidarr
Delete your old Lidarr installation data
rm -r ~/Lidarr/
Download Lidarr
Extract the archive
tar -xzf Lidarr*.tar.gz
Start Lidarr in a screen session running in the background
screen -dmS lidarr ~/Lidarr/Lidarr
Your Lidarr web interface will be accessible at
You can attach to your Lidarr screen session to monitor its output using screen -r lidarr
, and detach from it again by pressing ctrl+a
, d
and then enter
Connecting to rTorrent
Under Settings > Download Client, select to add a client with the + button and then select rTorrent. Enter the following information to connect to rTorrent:
Host: localhost
Port: 443
URL Path: xmlrpc
Use SSL: Yes
Username: user
Password: Your server password
Connecting to Transmission
You will need the Transmission daemon port from your Slot Info page.
Under Settings > Download Client, select to add a client with the + button and then select Transmission. Enter the following information to connect to Transmission:
Host: localhost
Port: Daemon port as listed on your Slot Info page
Username: user
Password: Your server password
Connection to Deluge
You will need the Deluge WebUI address from your Slot Info page.
Make sure the Deluge WebUI has been enabled from the Settings link on your Manage page.
Under Settings > Download Client, select to add a client with the + button and then select Deluge. Enter the following information to connect to Deluge:
Host: localhost
Port: 5 digit port from the end of your Deluge WebUI link, as listed on your Slot Info page.
Password: Your server password
Category: Leave blank if the Label plugin has not yet been enabled in the Deluge WebUI
Automatically Restart
mono-based applications are inherently unstable and prone to crashing. Below are steps to take to have your Lidarr instance automatically restart if it crashes, or if the server is rebooted.
Make a file to be used for the script.
touch ~/lidarr_restart.cron
Edit the file and enter the text below.
nano -w ~/lidarr_restart.cron
#!/bin/bash if pgrep -fx "/home/user/Lidarr/Lidarr" > /dev/null then echo "Lidarr is running." else echo "Lidarr is not running, starting Lidarr" screen -dmS lidarr /home/user/Lidarr/Lidarr fi exit
Save the file with
to accept overwriting. -
Make the script executable.
chmod +x ~/lidarr_restart.cron
Open your crontab.
EDITOR=nano crontab -e
Enter the following text at the end of the file.
@reboot /home/user/lidarr_restart.cron >/dev/null 2>&1 */5 * * * * /home/user/lidarr_restart.cron >/dev/null 2>&1
Save the crontab with
to accept overwriting.