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Wiki > cross-seed

"Cross-seeding is the term used for downloading a torrent from one tracker and then using that data to seed across different trackers. Generally, this is not against the rules, but you should always check and abide by your trackers' rules.

Since you already have the torrent's files, this results in zero download and instant seeding. This is a great way to build ratio (especially on your new trackers) and contribute to the torrenting community."



  1. Connect to your slot through SSH

  2. Run this command to install cross-seed: yarn global add node-gyp cross-seed

  3. Run this command to be able to run cross-seed: echo "PATH=\$HOME/.yarn/bin:\$PATH" >> ~/.bashrc && source ~/.bashrc

  4. Generate an initial configuration file: cross-seed gen-config

Continue following the official documentation for cross-seed by editing the configuration file. You can edit the file in SSH with nano: nano ~/.cross-seed/config.js

The configuration file needs specific URLs to access your indexer program (Prowlarr or Jackett) and torrent client. The configuration file has comments telling you how to get the specific URLs.

For rTorrent, use https://user:password@server.whatbox.ca/xmlrpc - replace "password" with your password.