Wiki > VueTorrent
VueTorrent is a "sleek looking qBittorrent WebUI alternative made with Vue.js!"
As it is only an alternative appearance of the WebUI, it does not require any additional ports or anything else. The default port and address of the qBittorrent WebUI remains the same.
Connect to your slot through SSH.
Clone the Release branch from Github using the command:
git clone --single-branch --branch latest-release
Access qBittorrent's WebUI on your Manage page. If you have not yet enabled qBittorrent, enable it in "Manage Apps".
Login to qBitorrent. Go to "Tools" at the top and select "Options". Click on the "Web UI" tab then scroll down to "Use alternative Web UI". Click the checkbox and enter the path
Scroll to the bottom of the settings and click "Save"
qBittorrent will refresh and show you the alternative VueTorrent interface.
- You can find more on the Github page. VueTorrent.