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Wiki > VueTorrent

VueTorrent is an sleek looking qBittorrent WebUI alternative made with Vue.js!

As it is only an alternative appearance of the WebUI, it does not require any additional ports or anything else. The default port and address of the qBittorrent WebUI remains the same.


  1. SSH into the server. You can find help here: /wiki/ssh

  2. [Optional] Create a directory where you want to have VueTorrent. It can be .vuetorrent for example. This would be possible with: mkdir .vuetorrent.

  3. [Optional] Change to the folder with cd, in our example this would be cd .vuetorrent.

  4. Clone the Release branch from Github using the command: git clone --single-branch --branch latest-release https://github.com/WDaan/VueTorrent.git

  5. Use the command cd to change to the freshly cloned folder. Use pwd to display the current path and copy it.

  6. You can then access the "old" WebUI via the normal portal if you have installed qBittorrent. Click "WebUI" under "qBittorrent". If you have not yet installed qBittorrent, you can easily do so under "Manage Apps".

  7. Then go to 'Tools' at the top of the menu and select 'Options'. One of the last things you should see is "WebUi", which you click on, then scroll down a little to the point "Use alternative Web UI". Click the checkbox so that it is ticked. The path that is asked in the box "Files Location" is the path you copied before. In our example something like /home/user/.vuetorrent/VueTorrent.

  8. Scroll down a little further and confirm with the "Save" button.

It should update automatically and you will be in the new UI. Congratulations.

P.S.: If you ever want to go back, you can do so by using the gearwheel in the upper right corner, uncheck the box and save.


  • Since it's just an alternative representation, you don't have to fear automatic restart settings. As long as qBittorrent is active, so is your new WebUI.

  • You can find more on the Github page. VueTorrent.