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Wiki > Transmission

A solid client with a simple, clear interface. Its easy to use and has native Mac, Qt, Web, and terminal interfaces. Take a look at https://transmissionbt.com/



The WebUI automatically gets configured when switching to Transmission. You can access it by clicking on the WebUI link on your Manage page and logging in with your username and slot password.

The WebUI is an easy way to access Transmission from any computer using just a web browser. It provides a clear interface similar to the native clients.


The Transmission console interface is available on slots using the tremc command. For more information on using the interface take a look at our Transmission Console Documentation.


  1. Download and install the Qt interface
  2. Open Edit > Change Session
  3. Select Connect to Remote Session and Authentication Required
  4. Enter the following information:
Host: server.whatbox.ca
Port: (your port)
Username: user
Password: (your password)

Your port can be found on your Slot Info page.

  1. Click OK. You should now be connected to your Whatbox Transmission daemon!


There are a variety of other third party projects that make use of Transmission. If you are interested, see the full list.


All the interfaces should provide a way to change Transmission's settings. If you want, you can edit the core settings file. It is located at ~/.config/transmission-daemon/settings.json. Stop transmission-daemon before editing this file.