Wiki > SickRage
Automatic Video Library Manager for TV Shows. It watches for new episodes of your favorite shows, and when they are posted it does its magic. Development hosted on GitHub.
Install pip for Python 3
curl -s | python3 - --user
Add it to your PATH
echo "PATH=\$HOME/.local/bin:\$PATH" >> ~/.bashrc && source ~/.bashrc
Download SickRage.
git clone ~/sickrage
Install python module dependencies
pip3 install --user -U -r sickrage/requirements.txt
Change Your Bash Timezone. If you haven't set your Bash Timezone, your logs and television schedule will be incorrect.
Start SickRage. Port 10085 has been automatically generated for you, but you may use another 5 digit port between 10000 and 65535.
python ~/sickrage/ -p 10085 -d
You can now access SickRage at
Node.js (optional)
Node.js is required for certain search providers to function properly. Complete only the installation section.
Automatically Restart
Below are steps to take to have your SickRage instance automatically restart if it crashes, or if the server is rebooted.
Make a file to be used for the script.
touch ~/sickrage_restart.cron
Edit the file and enter the text below.
nano -w ~/sickrage_restart.cron
#!/bin/bash if pgrep -fx "/usr/lib/python-exec/python2.7/python /home/anachronist/sickrage/ -p 10085 -d" > /dev/null then echo "SickRage is running." else echo "SickRage is not running, starting SickRage" python ~/sickrage/ -p 10085 -d fi exit
Save the file with
to accept overwriting. -
Make the script executable.
chmod +x ~/sickrage_restart.cron
Open your crontab.
EDITOR=nano crontab -e
Enter the following text at the end of the file.
@reboot /home/user/sickrage_restart.cron >/dev/null 2>&1 */5 * * * * /home/user/sickrage_restart.cron >/dev/null 2>&1
Save the crontab with
to accept overwriting.
- Open your browser and navigate to
to access the SickRage web interface.