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Wiki > Kometa

Kometa is an open source Python 3 project that has been designed to ease the creation and maintenance of metadata, collections, and playlists. The script is designed to be run continuously and be able to update information based on sources outside your media environment, connecting with services such as Plex and TMDB. Kometa supports Movie/TV/Music libraries and Playlists.

Connect to your slot through SSH.

  1. Download Kometa

     git clone https://github.com/Kometa-Team/Kometa
  2. Set up a virtual environment

     python3 -m venv kometa-venv
  3. Activate the virtual environment

     source kometa-venv/bin/activate
  4. Install the package requirements

     python -m pip install -r ~/Kometa/requirements.txt
  5. Move the base configuration file into place

     mv ~/Kometa/config/config.yml.template ~/Kometa/config/config.yml
  6. Open the configuration file in nano to edit

     nano ~/Kometa/config/config.yml
  7. Save changes by pressing Ctrl+x, y and then enter

  8. Run Kometa

     python ~/Kometa/kometa.py -r

For more info and assistance, please see the official documentation