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Wiki > PhotoPrism

PhotoPrism® is an AI-Powered Photos App for the Decentralized Web. It makes use of the latest technologies to tag and find pictures automatically without getting in your way. You can run it at home, on a private server, or in the cloud.

PhotoPrism runs on its own port; 31072 has been automatically generated for you, but you may choose another 5 digit port between 10000 and 32767.


  1. SSH to your slot

  2. Make a directory for PhotoPrism to use

     mkdir ~/photoprism; cd ~/photoprism
  3. Download the container compose file

     wget https://dl.photoprism.app/docker/docker-compose.yml
  4. Edit the compose file (nano docker-compose.yml) and make the following changes:

    Go to ports: and change the first port to your randomly select port 31072. The line should look like:

     - "31072:2342"

    Change PHOTOPRISM_SITE_URL from "http://localhost:2342/" to "http://server.whatbox.ca:31072/"

    Uncomment (remove the #) from PHOTOPRISM_UID, PHOTOPRISM_GID and change them from 1000 to 0.

    Uncomment user: "1000:1000" and change it to user: "0:0"

    Check the volumes in the file and edit the directories as needed. The default photos location of ~/Pictures can be changed to any other directory on your slot with photos.

    At the bottom of the file, remove the entire watchtower: block of text

    Save the file with Ctrl+s and exit nano with Ctrl+x

  5. Launch the container with docker-compose -f ~/photoprism/docker-compose.yml down; docker-compose -f ~/photoprism/docker-compose.yml up -d

  6. Log in to PhotoPrism using the initial credentials:

  • URL: http://server.whatbox.ca:31072
  • User: admin
  • Password: insecure

You must go to http://server.whatbox.ca:31072/settings/account and change the default username and password.

Continue to the First Steps to begin using PhotoPrism.


  1. Go to the Box setup page to configure HTTPS
  2. Click "Add App"
  3. Enter the subdomain of your choice (eg "photos") and the port above (31072)
  4. PhotoPrism should now be accessible via the HTTPS link generated.