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Wiki > Nextcloud pod

Nextcloud is a self-hosted platform for sharing files and using other productivity applications on the web and mobile devices.

These instructions use our Managed Links service to give HTTPS access to the HTTP-only Nextcloud server.

Managed Links Setup

  1. Access your Manage Links page.
  2. Click Edit Apps
  3. Click Add App
  4. Enter nextcloud for the app's name. If you use a different name, you may have errors accessing CalDAV/CardDAV.
  5. Enter 18543 for the port
  6. Check Enable websockets
  7. Click Save

Nextcloud Setup

  1. Connect to your slot through SSH

  2. Create directories for Nextcloud and its files:

     mkdir -p ~/nextcloud ~/nextcloud/server ~/nextcloud/db
  3. Create the following Compose file. Run nano ~/nextcloud/compose.yaml and enter the following text:

         image: nextcloud:apache
           - TRUSTED_PROXIES=
           - OVERWRITEPROTOCOL=https
           - REDIS_HOST=redis
           - POSTGRES_HOST=db
           - POSTGRES_PASSWORD=changethis
           - POSTGRES_DB=nextcloud
           - POSTGRES_USER=nextcloud
         restart: always
           - /home/user/nextcloud/server:/var/www/html
         image: redis:alpine
         restart: always
         image: postgres:alpine
           - POSTGRES_PASSWORD=changethis
           - POSTGRES_DB=nextcloud
           - POSTGRES_USER=nextcloud
         restart: always
           - /home/user/nextcloud/db:/var/lib/postgresql/data
           - 5432

    Choose a single unique password and change changethis in the file to that password. It must match on both lines.

    Then, press Ctrl+S (save) followed by Ctrl+X (exit).

  4. Change to the ~/nextcloud directory: cd ~/nextcloud

  5. Launch Nextcloud: podman-compose up -d

    It may take several minutes to launch. Nextcloud will be ready when you are returned to your shell prompt.

Access Nextcloud with your managed link on your Manage Links page to complete the setup process.

If you receive the message "Please use the command line updater because updating via browser is disabled in your config.php.", you can upgrade Nextcloud by running podman exec -u 33 nextcloud_nc_1 /var/www/html/occ upgrade