Wiki > Murmur
Murmur is the server application for the Mumble voice chat client.
Download the Murmur static binary.
Extract Murmur.
mkdir -p ~/murmur && tar xvjf murmur-static*.tar.bz2 --strip-components=1 -C ~/murmur
(Optional) Clean up install archive.
rm murmur-static*.tar.bz2
Copy the murmur default configuration file to
mkdir -p ~/.murmurd; cp ~/murmur/murmur.ini ~/.murmurd/murmur.ini
Open murmur.ini for editing.
nano ~/.murmurd/murmur.ini
Configure murmur. Read the comments in murmur.ini or see here and here for more information.
The following options need to be changed/set:
- port=19557 (19557 has been automatically generated for you, but you may use another 5 digit port between 10000 and 32767.)
The following options may be changed/set at your discretion:
- bandwidth=130000 (The maximum suggested for Mumble) - welcometext= (The text that shows when someone connects to your server) - serverpassword= (Leaving this blank will allow anyone to connect without a password) - users= - registerName= (Will change the name of the top channel from the default 'Root') - certrequired= (Set to true to only allow clients with a certificate to connect)
The rest is entirely optional. See the links above for more information. Hit Ctrl-X, then Y, followed by Enter to exit and save your changes.
Start murmur.
(Optional) Set a SuperUser (Admin) password. If you need to administrate your server through Mumble, this needs to be set.
~/murmur/murmur.x86 -supw <YourPasswordHere>
Set your Mumble client to connect to
with the port and password you set in murmur.ini.