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Wiki > Mono

Mono is an open source implementation of Microsoft's .NET Framework.

Installation (Stable mono, recommended)

  1. Download the source of mono

     wget https://download.mono-project.com/sources/mono/mono-
  2. Extract the mono archive

     tar xf mono-5*.tar.bz2
  3. Enter the extracted directory and set up for compilation

      cd ~/mono-5*/
     ./autogen.sh --prefix=$HOME
     make get-monolite-latest
  4. Complete the mono compilation and installation (this will take a while -- most likely between 15 and 30 minutes)

     make && make install
  5. Return to the root of your slot and clean up the archive data

     rm mono-5*.tar.bz2
  6. Add ~/bin to your PATH if it is not already

     echo "PATH=\$HOME/bin:\$PATH" >> ~/.bashrc && source ~/.bashrc
  7. Set a custom temporary directory in your bash configuration if it is not already

     echo "TMPDIR=\$HOME/.tmp" >> ~/.bashrc && mkdir -p ~/.tmp && source ~/.bashrc

(Optional) Development version of Mono

These instructions install the latest development version of Mono. This is only needed for a specific update that has been applied to the development version of Mono that is not available in the current stable release.

  1. Download the latest Git master of Mono

     git clone https://github.com/mono/mono.git ~/mono
  2. Enter the directory and set up for compilation

      cd ~/mono
     ./autogen.sh --prefix=$HOME
     make get-monolite-latest
  3. Complete the mono compilation and installation (this will take a while -- most likely between 15 and 30 minutes)

     make && make install
  4. Return to the root of your slot and clean up the archive data

     rm -rf ~/mono/
  5. Add ~/.mono/bin to your PATH

     echo "PATH=\$HOME/bin:\$PATH" >> ~/.bashrc && source ~/.bashrc
  6. Set a custom temporary directory in your bash configuration if it is not already

     echo "TMPDIR=\$HOME/.tmp" >> ~/.bashrc && mkdir -p ~/.tmp && source ~/.bashrc