Wiki > Jellyseerr
"Jellyseer is a free and open source software application for managing requests for your media library. It is a fork of Overseerr built to bring support for Jellyfin & Emby media servers"
Connect to your slot through SSH
and activate the latest version of Node 22curl -fsSL | env PNPM_VERSION=9.15.4 sh - source ~/.bashrc pnpm env add -g 22 pnpm env use -g 22
Download the latest release of Jellyseerr
git clone --branch develop
Enter Jellyseerr's directory
cd ~/jellyseerr/
Change the build settings. The CPU limit will allow Jellyseerr to build correctly on our servers, especially when your slot is already running other programs.
sed -i 's/256000,/256000, cpus: 12/' next.config.js
Install and build Jellyseerr. This will take a long time; Jellyseerr has many dependencies.
CYPRESS_INSTALL_BINARY=0 pnpm install --frozen-lockfile; pnpm build
Start Jellyseerr
cd ~/jellyseerr && PORT=25467 screen -dmS jellyseerr pnpm start
Jellyseerr will take a few seconds to start. Access and finish the setup procedure.
Connect to your slot through SSH
Shut down Jellyseerr
pkill -f jellyseerr
Enter Jellyseerr's directory
cd ~/jellyseerr/
Change the Git branch to the latest release and pull latest commits
git reset --hard ; git fetch ; git checkout develop; git pull
Change the build settings. The CPU limit will allow Jellyseerr to build correctly on our servers, especially when your slot is already running other programs.
sed -i 's/256000,/256000, cpus: 12/' next.config.js
Install and build Jellyseerr. This may take a long time; Jellyseerr has many dependencies.
CYPRESS_INSTALL_BINARY=0 pnpm install --frozen-lockfile; pnpm build
Start Jellyseerr
cd ~/jellyseerr && PORT=25467 screen -dmS jellyseerr pnpm start
Automatically Restart
- Make a file to be used for the script.
touch ~/jellyseerr_restart.cron
- Edit the file and enter the text below.
nano -w ~/jellyseerr_restart.cron
if pgrep -fx "node dist/index.js" > /dev/null
echo "Jellyseerr is running."
echo "Jellyseerr is not running, starting jellyseerr"
cd ~/jellyseerr && PORT=25467 screen -dmS jellyseerr pnpm start
- Save the file with Ctrl+x and the "y" and Enter to accept overwriting.
- Make the script executable.
chmod +x ~/jellyseerr_restart.cron
- Open your crontab.
EDITOR=nano crontab -e
- Enter the following text
@reboot /home/user/jellyseerr_restart.cron >/dev/null 2>&1
*/5 * * * * /home/user/jellyseerr_restart.cron >/dev/null 2>&1
- Save the crontab with Ctrl+x and the "y" and Enter to accept overwriting.
Use as the address for connecting other apps if the app is running on the same server.
You may need to use IPv4 addresses for Sonarr. You can find your IPv4 address on your Slot Info page.
If Jellyseerr fails to build, stop rclone processes on your slot and try again.