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Wiki > Electorrent

Electorrent is a remote client app for Windows, Mac and Linux. It lets you manage torrents on your box without needing to login to the WebUI.


Download and install from GitHub.


Connecting to rTorrent

    IP Address: server.whatbox.ca
    Protocol: https
    Username: user
    Password: Your server password
    Client Program: rTorrent
    Port: 443
    Path Checkbox: Checked
    Path: /xmlrpc

Connecting to Transmission

You will need the Transmission daemon port from your Slot Info page.

    IP Address: server.whatbox.ca
    Protocol: http
    Username: user
    Password: Your server password
    Client Program: Transmission        
    Port: Daemon port     

Connecting to qBittorrent

You will need the qBittorrent port from your Slot Info page.

    IP Address: server.whatbox.ca
    Protocol: http
    Username: user
    Password: Your server password
    Client Program: qBittorrent        
    Port: qBittorrent port

Connecting to Deluge

You will need the Deluge WebUI address from your Slot Info page.

Make sure the Deluge WebUI has been enabled from the Settings link on your Manage page.

    IP Address: server.whatbox.ca
    Protocol: http
    Username: user
    Password: Your server password
    Client Program: Deluge        
    Port: Deluge (WebUI) port