Wiki > CouchPotato
CouchPotato is "an automatic NZB and torrent downloader."
Clone the CouchPotato git repository on to your slot:
git clone
Temporarily start CouchPotato with Python 2.7:
python2 ~/CouchPotatoServer/ &
Kill the CouchPotato process.
pkill -f
Edit the configuration file to set a port and download location. Port 16641 has been automatically generated for you, but you may use another 5 digit port between 10000 and 32767.
nano ~/.couchpotato/settings.conf
Change the line that reads
port = 5050
toport = 16641
Change the line that readslaunch_browser = True
tolaunch_browser = False
. -
Restart CouchPotato inside a screen session
screen -dmS CouchPotato python2 ~/CouchPotatoServer/
Open your browser and navigate to
to access the CouchPotato web interface and begin using the setup wizard. Your CouchPotato password should not be the same as your Whatbox account or server password.
Automatically Restart
Below are steps to take to have your CouchPotato instance automatically restart if it crashes, or if the server is rebooted.
Make a file to be used for the script.
touch ~/couchpotato_restart.cron
Edit the file and enter the text below.
nano -w ~/couchpotato_restart.cron
#!/bin/bash if pgrep -fx "python2 /home/user/CouchPotatoServer/" > /dev/null then echo "CouchPotato is running." else echo "CouchPotato is not running, starting CouchPotato" screen -dmS CouchPotato python2 ~/CouchPotatoServer/ fi exit
Save the file with
to accept overwriting. -
Make the script executable.
chmod +x ~/couchpotato_restart.cron
Open your crontab.
EDITOR=nano crontab -e
Enter the following text at the end of the file.
@reboot /home/user/couchpotato_restart.cron >/dev/null 2>&1 */5 * * * * /home/user/couchpotato_restart.cron >/dev/null 2>&1
Save the crontab with
to accept overwriting.
rTorrent settings
You will need to enable "Show advanced settings" to be able to change rTorrent's RPC path. You can do this from the Downloaders Settings page:
Ssl: | Checked |
Rpc Url: | xmlrpc |
Username: | user |
Password: | (your server password) |
Host: | |
Deluge settings
Replace {{DELUGEPORT}} with the Deluge daemon port listed on your Slot Info page
Host: | localhost:{{DELUGEPORT}} | |
Username: | user | |
Password: | (your server password) |
Transmission settings
Replace {{TRANSMISSION}} with the Transmission WebUI port listed on your Slot Info page
Host: | localhost:{{TRANSMISSION}} | |
Username: | user | |
Password: | (your server password) |
WebUI port from your Slot Info page