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An archive file is a file that is composed of one or more files along with metadata that can include source volume and medium information, file directory structure, error detection and recovery information, file comments, and usually employs some form of lossless compression.

Archive files such as .zip, .rar, .tar, .7z can be created and extracted on Whatbox servers.


Archives can be extracted and created via SSH. Please familiarize yourself with connecting to your server through SSH, and basic shell commands. You can access help by typing the commands with no switches.

.tar.gz & .tgz

Extract: tar -xzf file.tar.gz
Extracts files from file.tar.gz to current working directory

Create: tar -czf newarchive.tar.gz foo bar
Creates newarchive.tar.gz from the files foo and bar

.tar.bz2 & .tbz2

Extract: tar -xjf file.tar.bz2
Extracts files from file.tar.bz2 to current working directory

Create: tar -cjf file.tar.bz2 foo bar
Creates newarchive.tar.bz2 from the files foo and bar


Extract: tar -xJf file.tar.xz
Extracts files from file.tar.xz to current working directory

Create: tar -cJf file.tar.xz foo bar
Creates newarchive.tar.xz from the files foo and bar

.gz & .Z

Extract: gunzip -c file.something.gz > file.something
Extracts decompressed file to current working directory

Create: cat foo | gzip > foo.gz
Creates file.something.gz from the single file foo


Extract: unrar x file.rar
If it is a split archive extract the .r00 file

Create: rar a newarchive.rar foo bar
Creates newarchive.rar from files foo and bar


Extract: tar -xf file.tar
Extracts files from file.tar to current working directory

Create: tar -cf newarchive.tar foo bar
Creates newarchive.tar from the files foo and bar


Extract: unzip ~/path/to/filename.zip
Extracts files from filename.zip to current working directory

Create: zip -r newarchive.zip foo
Creates newarchive with all files in foo (recursive)


Extract: 7z x file.7z
Extracts files and folders from file.7z to current working directory

Create: 7z a -t7z newarchive.7z foo bar
Creates newarchive.7z from files foo and bar


Extract: fastjar xf file.jar
Extracts files from file.jar to current working directory


Extract: 7z x file.iso
Extracts files from file.iso to current working directory, including directory structure


ruTorrent can extract some types of archives. This functionality is available through right click as Unpack. This command is available both in the main torrent pane and the files subpane.